Why is Odoo The ERP of Choice for 50.000+ Companies?

Get to know Odoo better and its powerful features that help you make your Business a better place!

PT Witech Inovasi Indonesia , Odoo Partner Bersertifikasi

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​Advantages of Odoo ERP System​ 

Time Cost Ownership Save Up To 45%
By using Odoo, business owners can save up to 45% TCO (time cost ownership) costs when compared to other ERP systems in their class.

Supported By 260 Languages
The Odoo system is getting easier to use because it has been supported by more than 260 languages, users will understand the system faster because it uses a language they understand.

34.000+ Apps Available
The development of Odoo can be seen with the many applications that have been integrated into the Odoo system, these applications that will help business owners manage their company.

Used By 7.000.000+ Users 
To date, Odoo has been used by more than 7,000,000 users worldwide.


Layanan Witech Enterprise

Implementasi Odoo

PT Witech Inovasi Indonesia is Odoo Gold Partner, so Witech Enterprise has the right to implement the Odoo ERP System to customers according to the needs of the customer company.

Odoo Success Pack   Lihat List Aplikasi / Modul Odoo

Alur Kerja Implementasi Odoo 







Integrasi Odoo

Odoo has a variety of modules and applications that can accommodate all company business processes and can be integrated into the Odoo ERP System.

Pelatihan Odoo

PT Witech Inovasi Indonesia provides the best way of training on how to implement and manage the Odoo ERP application by providing adequate learning and training experiences.

Alih Daya Odoo​  

​PT Witech Inovasi Indonesia also facilitates customer needs for experts who have the ability and good knowledge in using and managing the Odoo ERP System.

Pengembangan Odoo

As Odoo Gold Partner, PT Witech Inovasi Indonesia has also developed the Odoo ERP system environment, both in the development of additional modules and additional applications, all of which can be perfectly integrated into the Odoo ERP system, including :

  • Witech Weight Bridge Application
    A web-based application that helps companies manage weighing processes, both palm fruit and oil. This application is connected to the scales available in the garden or factory.

  • Witech Palm Plantation Management Application
    Android mobile application that helps companies manage the entire process of activities in the plantation area. This application can work without a mobile telecommunication network (offline).

Konsultasi Odoo

PT Witech Inovasi Indonesia facilitates consulting needs regarding the Odoo ERP System, both in terms of management, development and usage, so that customers have a good understanding of Odoo and all its advantages that help manage the company.